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" no hope of waking up lander, rover now "

  Bengaluru.  Asal Baat News.   There is now no hope of waking up the chandrayan-3's moon lander and rover, an eminent space scientist s...

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 Asal Baat News.  

There is now no hope of waking up the chandrayan-3's moon lander and rover, an eminent space scientist said on Friday signalling in a possible into India's third lunar mission.

Space commission member and former ISRO chairman A S Kiran Kumar, who was actively associate with the mission told us;"No, no there won't  be any more hope of reveaving now, if it should have happened, there is now No chance at all,"

The ISRO said on September 22--- after a new lunar day began efforts have been made to establish communication with solar powered Vikram lender and pragyan rover to ascertain their wakeup condition.

As of now, no signals have been received from them. Efforts to established contact will continue,it had said them.

According to ISRO official, all the three chandrayan 3 missions objectives demonstration of a safe and soft landing on the lunar surface and dominate station of the rover roaming on the moon and Undertaker in C2 scientific experiment on the lunar surface by its payload and date of the lander have been achieved.

After landing on the moon scientific payloads of the lender and the 26 kg 6 wheeled rover had performed experiments one after the  other so as  to complete them within 14th earth days, before the pitch darkness and extreme cold weather enguled the moon.