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छत्तीसगढ़ में तीन चरण में तो, मध्य प्रदेश में चार चरणों में होगा मतदान

  नई दिल्ली, छत्तीसगढ़. असल बात news.    देश में लोकसभा चुनाव चुनाव के लिए तारीखों की घोषणा हो गई है और उसके बाद पूरे देश में अभी सबसे अधिक ...

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नई दिल्ली, छत्तीसगढ़.

असल बात news.  

 देश में लोकसभा चुनाव चुनाव के लिए तारीखों की घोषणा हो गई है और उसके बाद पूरे देश में अभी सबसे अधिक चर्चा,चुनाव के चरणों को लेकर हो रही है. हम छत्तीसगढ़ में मध्य प्रदेश की बात करें तो जो जानकारी भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के द्वारा दी गई है,जो मैप जारी किया गया है उसके अनुसारछत्तीसगढ़ में लोकसभा का चुनाव तीन चरणों में और मध्य प्रदेश में चार चरणों में पूरा होगा. छत्तीसगढ़ में पहले चरण में सिर्फ बस्तर सीट पर मतदान कराया जाएगा. इस तरह से पहले तीन चरण में छत्तीसगढ़ में चुनाव पूरा कर लिया जाएगा.

 चुनाव के इतिहास को देखे तो छत्तीसगढ़ में ज्यादातर दो चरणों में चुनाव पूरा कराया गया है.भारत निर्वाचन आयोग के द्वारा चुनाव कार्यक्रम का अभी जो मैप जारी किया गया है उससे दिख रहा है कि छत्तीसगढ़ में इस बार लोकसभा का चुनाव तीन चरणों में संपन्न कराया जाएगा. निर्वाचन आयोग के द्वारा बताया गया है की भौगोलिक स्थिति प्राकृतिक स्थिति और वातावरण के आधार पर चुनाव कार्यक्रमों की डेट का निर्धारण किया गया है. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में बर्तन संभाग की प्राकृतिक और भौगोलिक स्थिति इस राज्य के दूसरे हिस्सों से काफी कुछ अलग है. यह इलाका नक्सल हिंसा की समस्या से भी जुझता रहा है. और अभी तो इस पूरे क्षेत्र में नक्सल हिंसा की समस्या और अधिक गहराती दिख रही है. छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में पहले चरण से लोकसभा चुनाव का कार्यक्रम शुरू हो जाएगा.और पहले चरण में यहां के बस्तर संभाग में मतदान कराया जाएगा. देश में पहले चरण Same चुनाव में 102 सीटों पर मतदान कराया जाना तय किया गया  है. इसमें छत्तीसगढ़ का एक लोकसभा क्षेत्र ही शामिल किया गया है.20 मार्च को नोटिफिकेशन जारी की जाएगी और डेट ऑफ पोल 19 अप्रैल घोषित किया गया है. आयोग के द्वारा पहले चरण में देश के जिन स्थानों पर चुनाव होगा उसे अपने मैप में यलो कलर से प्रदर्शित किया गया है.

 पहले चरण के बाद दूसरे चरण का चुनाव कराने के लिए 7 दिन का समय लिया गया है. दूसरे चरण के चुनाव के लिए 28 मार्च को अधिसूचना जारी की जाएगी और इसके लिए 26 अप्रैल को मतदान कराया जाएगा.भारत निर्वाचन आयोग की घोषणा के अनुसार दूसरे चरण के चुनाव में 89 सीटों पर मतदान कराया जाना है. आयोग के द्वारा जो मैप जारी किया गया है उसके अनुसार दूसरे चरण में छत्तीसगढ़ में मैदानी क्षेत्र की लोकसभा सीटों पर चुनाव होगा, जिसमें कांकेर,राजनंदगांव महासमुंद इत्यादि सीटे शामिल की गई है . चुनाव आयोग के द्वारा दूसरे चरण में जहां चुनाव पर जाना है उसे अपने मैप पर स्काई ब्लू कलर से प्रदर्शित किया है. दूसरे चरण में 89 सीटों पर मतदान होगा.

 छत्तीसगढ़ के लिए तीसरा चरण का चुनाव काफी महत्वपूर्ण रहेगा. इस चरण में सात लोकसभा सीटों के लिए चुनाव कराया जाएगा. तीसरे चरण में अंबिकापुर संभाग, दुर्ग संभाग रायपुर संभाग के अंतर्गत आने वाली सीटों पर मतदान कराया जाएगा जिसमें दुर्ग लोकसभा क्षेत्र, रायपुर, बिलासपुर, कोरबा,रायगढ़, जांजगीर-चांपा, सरगुजा इत्यादि लोकसभा क्षेत्र शामिल है. तीसरे चरण के चुनाव के लिए 12 अप्रैल को अधिसूचना लागू होगी और 7 मई को मतदान कराया जाएगा. सभी सीटों के चुनाव की मतगणना  4 जून को होगी.

Bv Spl. Messenser/mail



No. a37 I 61 1/l NsT/EcllF u Ncr/M cc I 2024


Dated: 15th March,2024

The Cabinet Secretary,

Government of India,

Rashtrapati Bhawan,

New Delhi.

The Chief Secretaries of all States and Chief Secretaries/Administrators of Union Territories

The Chief Electoral Officers of all States and Union Territories.

Subiect Immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model Code of conduct after announcement of General Elections to House of the People (Lok Sabha), 2024 and State Legislative Assemblies in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim and certain bye-electionsregarding.


I am directed to state that the Election Commission has announced the schedule for holding General Election to House of the People [Lok Sabhal ,2024 and State Legislative Assemblies in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim and cgrtain bye-elections,

operation of 'MODEL CODE OF CONDUCT' comes into effect with the announcement of elections by the Commission. In view of the elections, the Commission has given following directions for effective enforcement of provisions of MCC:-

1,. Defacement of Property- ECI instructions contained in letter No. 3/7/2023SDR,dated 12d'October,2023,provide for prevention of defacement of property. The Commission has directed to ensure strict compliance of its instruction and to take time bound action as

prescribed below-

(a) Defacement of Government property- For this purpose a Government premise would  include any Government office and the campus wherein the office building, compound and establishment are situated. All wall- writing, posters/papers or defacement in any other torm, inc)uding cutoutfhoardings, banners, f\aBS etc, on Golernment prope$)  shall be removed within 24 hours from the announcement of elections by the election  Commission.

[b) Defacement of public property and misuse of public space- All unauthorized  political advertisement, in the form of wall writing/posters/papers or defacement in   any other form, cutout/hoardings, banners flags etc. at public property and in public  space like railway station, Bus stands, Airports, railway Bridges, Roadways,  government. buses, Electric/Telephone poles , municipal/local bodies' buildings etc., shall be removed within 48 hours from the Spnouncement of elections.

[c) Defacement of private property- Subleit to any local law and Court's direction, aii  unauthorized political advertisement displayed at private property shall be removed within 72 hours from the announcement of elections by the Election Commission.

Misuse of official vehicle- The ECI's Consolidated instructions contained in letter No.464|L&O/2023/EPS[Use of Veh.), dated 26tt !une,2023, among other things, provides that  there shall be a total ban on use of official vehicle by any political party, candidate or any other person connected with election fexcept officials performing any इलेक्शन related official duty) for campaigning,'electioneering or election related travel during elections (subiect to certain exception mentioned therein). The expression 'official vehicle' means and shall include, any vehicle use.d or capable of being used for the परपोज़  of transport, whether propelled by mechanical power or otherwise and will include trucks, lorries, tempos, jeeps, Cars, auto rickshaws, e-rickshaws, buses, belonging to Central Government, State Government/UT Administrations, public undertakings of Central/State Government, Joint sector undertakings of Central/State Government, loLal bodies, municipal corporations, marketing boards, cooperative societies or any other body in which public  funds, however small a portion of the total, are invested. The CEOs/DEOs shall take necessary action for compliance of ECI instructions within 24 hours of the announcement of the elections.

Advertisement at the cost of public exchequer- ECI instructions contained in letter No'

437/6/INST/ECIIFUNCT/MCC/2024[ADVERTISEMENTS), dated 2"d January, 2024 provides that at the cost of public exchequer in the newspapers and other media and the misuse of official mass media during the election period for partisan coverage of पोलिटिकल news and publicity regarding achievements with a view to furthering the prospects of the party in power shall be scrupulously avoided. No advertisements shall be issued in eldctronic and print media highlighting the achievements of the Govt. at the cost of public exchequer. If any advertisement has already been released for telecast/broadcast ओर publication in the print media, it must be ensured that the telecast/broadcast of such ads on

electronic media is stopped forthwith and that no such ad is published in any newspapers,

magazines, etc., i.e. in print media, from the date of announcement and it should be

immediately withdrawn. The CEOs/DEOs have to take immediate action to

remove/stop any advertisement, in the print/electronic media, showing the

achievements of the Government soon aftef the announcement of elections.

Photograph of political functionary at offieral website- ECI instruction contained in

letter No. 437/6/INST/ECI/FUNCT/MCC/2024[MCC ENFORCEMENT) dated 2nd January,

2024 provides that all references of Ministers, Politicians or political parties available on

central/state Government's official website shall be removed. The CEOs have to take

immediate action to remove/hide the photographs of any political functionary from

official websites of state department.

Development/construction related activities- within 72 hours of announcement of

elections, the CEO/DEO shall obtain the following"list of works for reference in case of

validating any complaint on violation of MCC:


List of work which has already been started on ground.

(iD List of fresh work which has not started on ground.

Activities for Expenditure Monitoring and enforcement of MCC' Flying squad, FST,

video team, intensive checking for liquor/Cash/Contra banned drugs, flying squads of excise

department to check illicit trafficking of Drug/Narcotics to be immedialely activated after


Complaint Monitoring System- The poll going states shall have a complaint redressal

mechanism based on website and call center. The toll free number of call center is 1950,

Complaints can be registered by making calls to the toll free call center numbers or on the

website. Complainants will also be informed of the action taken by SMS and by the call

center. Complainants can also see the details of the action taken on their complaints' This

system should be operational within 24 hours of the announcement. All complaints

should be dealt promptly and properly. The 24x7 control Room at the district level must be

activated and sufficient deployment of manpower and other logistics be ensured in

particular, round the clock personnel should be deployed in the control room and their duty

roaster must be issued to avoid any evasion or confusion.

IT Application- All IT applications including.official website and social media shall be

onerational with the announcement.

9. Dissemination of information for Awareness of Voters and political parties. Publicity

of major election activity would be given through CEO/DEO/RO. For this purpose, all

necessary information shall be disseminated through radio, tv, cinema, government channel

to display voter education material.

10. Active cooperation from Educational Institlftions and Civil Societies- Cooperation can

be sought from educational institutions and civil societies for giving wide publicity to the

election related information to the general publp*and other stakeholders.

11,. Media Centre- Efforts should be made for awareness among the voters, political parties

and other stakeholder through media center about election system including use of


72. MCMC/DEMC- ECI instruction contained in letter no.497/MCMC/S/Z)Z3/Communication

dated 24th August 2023 provides that all registered political parties will approach the

Media Certification and Monitoring Committees [MCMC) at District and State level, as the

case may be, for pre-certification of their political advertisements proposed to be issued on

electronic media. The Commission has directed to ensure strict compliance of its

instructions contained in above said letter.

13. Control Room- The24x7 control room at district level must be activated immediately

and sufficient deployment of manpower and other logistics be ensured by the

DEO/CEO. A control room with complaint Monitoring Centre would also be set up at

ECI Secretariat during the entire election process. 


Yours faithfully




 बिना लाग-लपेट, खबरों की तह तक

 सबसे तेज, सबसे अधिक विश्वसनीय